Monday 11 August 2008

Monday, August 11

It was a photographers' evening. David Merewether reported on Alamy's new 1$-a-picture deal, and there was talk of a major photo agency on the verge of collapse (you heard it hear first). Bruce Hemming had a spectacular 360-degree print he had stitched together showing a burning barrel tumbling through the streets of Lewes; he is looking for an exhibition venue, and the de la Warr Pavilion was suggested. Penny Tweedie, just returned from teaching photography in Nigeria, had tales to tell and, joined by Matthew Kellett, Technical overload and lengthy discussion of copyright history being thirsty work, Dick Stevenson was joined at the bar by Clive and Kate Crook and Chris Fraser, jangling freshly made jewellery. Zoë Meyer has new taylor-made books to produce, including one of foot care, and she talked about Business Network International, a worldwide networking outfit, which she has found useful for finding clients.

Registration with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) was a hot topic, which needs pursuing further. But it does seem that all freelance journalists and photographers have to register - that's what they told me on the phone today. Wikipedia tells you what this outfit is and we should check it out.
• I didn't have a chance to pursue the 'Sitting Next to Nelly' idea. I'll try next time, on Tuesday, August 26.

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