Monday 7 April 2008

Thursday, April 10

Well, that was a good turn out, and once more new people showed up. There was Rosalind Dewar, the other half of Tim Green, who specialises in health matters, copywrites and works in public relations. Also from Woodchurch was Lorna Dolan, former Arts Editor and Weekend Editor of the Financial Times, who is now a freelance reviewer and teacher, contributing to Ink Pellet, the Cranbrook-based arts magazine for teachers. The graphic designer Jordan Ignatov is visiting from Sofia, Bulgaria, where he worked on Elle magazine; he is now assisting Clive Crook on a number of projects. Clive brought his dog, and so did Penny Tweedie, who was full of praise for the Canon G9, her first in-your-pocket digital camera. Though not for work, it does have 12.1 megapixles, enough to make an image acceptable professionally. (£290 on Amazon).
I arrived late, so I can't spill too much gossip from Kent Barker, Chris Fraser, Nick Gilbert, David Merewether, Neil Nixon and Dick Stevenson. In fact I barely had a chance to mention my latest book, Burning Barcelona, which comes out on Tuesday in time for the London Book Fair.

1 comment:

Keiz said...

Thank you for including me in that list. I’m honoured!
I’m just a visitor for now, but who knows? I might settle in the South East one day :)
I hope I see you next time I’m in England.

Cheers to all!

Jordan Ignatov